FInally Recover....
Finally recover from fever... but still got nose block and charm..... :(
Today Genting is having Rave party,organize by Zouk, i think should be fun, Alice, Joey, Selina n Yvonner, Janis......etc..all of them have went up to happening....hope they all are enjoy n having fun ...miss ta day in Malaysia with them ^_^
Well, my life in UK are usual not tat happening than all of is boring here, need to find something to do to make life better.....
Tonight i ate TomYam with my best buddies over here.....long time we didnt ate TomYam together.....Today Tik n KeeHean went to London and brough back some stuff n food for our dinner...but most ta stuff are vege , no our dinner is TomYam vege...hehehhehe since Roy is not staying in Hatfield during ta weekend and we r short of foodsss ...we take his crabmeet, seafood stick and eggs for ta sorry Roy, but we will buy u new one in ASDA tomorrow......ta TomYam issnt sour..but is spicy and excite... yumyum...long time didnt have this feel ya......
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