New hair style...

Yesterday went to London cut hair...change hair style liao.....
So far is like tat lor...can't think any other plannn....Kekeekkekee....
Everyone seem busy today as well......can;t see anyone online after i take my nap at one is online geh?????? where r there lehh...Anybody HOME??....happy that i finally can take a nap just now.....can't sleep for the whole night yesterday...duno why...maybe is ta stress for exam??? or maybe i biasa to sleep late?? many reason...why why why...but i duno why...??? hheee..what am i talking now????
stress for ta exam tomorrow....hate ta feeling....cant even sleep well every nitess..have rushing for assignment last week....tat why not well prepare now for exam.....wish i could answer the questions tomorrow >_<
Finally have finish all the assignment...have to start revision for exam next week........
laptop reborn again.....
doesn't have a good start for chicken year.....
Back to school tomorrow......
Pressure time again!!!!!!
Hope that i can finish on time ya~
This is for you, my best friend,
Bad Luck today ya....